Ep.146_Supercommunicators_Charles Duhigg

Welcome back to Philosopher Insights.  Today's feature book is 'Supercommunicators' by Charles Duhigg.

Think about it like this: Communication isn't just a skill; it's a superpower. The pros get that every time we open our mouths, we're diving into one of three conversations: the practical (What's really going on?), the emotional (How do we feel about it?), and the social (Who are we in this situation?). If you can't figure out which conversation you're in, you're missing out on making real connections.

Supercommunicators? They've got this down. They know it's crucial to spot and match each type of conversation and tune in to the complex emotions, subtle negotiations, and deep-seated beliefs that shape what we say and how we listen. Our experiences, values, and feelings—not to mention how we view ourselves and others—color every chat, whether it's about who's picking up the kids or how we want to be treated at work.

I hope you enjoy my favorite insights from this book and actively begin to put some of them to work in your own life.




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